If you're going on holiday, this may not affect you too much - enjoy your break! If you're here in Cairo, and planning to come to Church on Friday at 10am, you need to know.... that
the clocks will go forward again on Thursday evening. We're happy to run the service twice, but...
All Saints' groups are under way again, with our Bible studies every second week learning from Peter's first letter what it means to live with Real World Faith.
On Monday evening next week, Jos will begin the first of our series Learning from Egypt as he introduces us to the life and times of Clement of Rome. If you want to hear if the church changed the Bible, if it believed in the Trinity from the beginning, and how it was organised to encourage its members and reach out to those around, then this will be for you. We meet at 7.30pm on Monday 13th, in the Chapel of the Saviour - on the first level of the Clergy House, just opposite the Cathedral main gate.
Mike Parker