New Year Realities - This Friday and Sunday

As the Evangelist Matthew in his Gospel tells the Christmas story, we also hear some… New Year Realities.
This Friday December 31st & Sunday January 2nd,
Rev Mike Parker will show us why it is wise to worship the Son of God. Rev Mike treats Matthew 2:1-12, about the visit of the Magi.

Do come to these worship celebrations in All Saints Cathedral!
Friday 10 AM.
Sunday 10.30 AM.

Two organ recitals on refurbished organ at All Saints' Cathedral, Zamalek.

This Friday evening, New Year's Eve, from 8pm, we welcome Kristin Holton Prouty (photo), who has studied the organ extensively in the USA and Austria and is visiting Cairo this week. This is an ideal opportunity to bring in the New Year in style. This concert will be free to enter, and there will be a retiring offering divided between the Diocese of Egypt's Deaf Unit new Vocational Training Centre in 6th October City, and Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf, now entering its second century of medicine and ministry in the Delta community.

The other is by our own Bill Halsey, who will offer an evening recital on Tuesday January 11th at 8pm. Bill's program will be a mixture of Bach and Widor. This is Bill's farewell, as he'll be travelling the following weekend, and it gives us the chance to hear his extensive skills on the Baroque organ. Free to enter, and a retiring offering divided between All Saints' Cathedral and Bill's farewell.

Our Christmas services this weekend

Please come and join us in our Christmas celebrations in the cathedral this weekend. This is the program:

Friday 24 December 10 am - Rev Mike Parker preaches on Isaiah 9:2-7: A Son is given - peace delivered.

Friday 24 December 4 pm - Christingle with Rev Chris Chorlton GREAT FOR CHILDREN!

Friday 24 December 10.30 pm - Christmas Eve Communion with Bishop Mouneer Hanna. This is our combined English and Arabic service that will be broadcast by Egyptian State TV.

Saturday 25 December 10 am - Christmas Day Family Praise

Sunday 26 December 10.30 am - Rev Mike Parker preaches on Isaiah 52:7-10 Good News for All!

17 and 19 December: The Virgin will conceive... eh?

On Friday 17 and Sunday 19 December, that is 4th weekend of Advent, Rev Jos Strengholt will preach on those strange words from Isaiah 7: 'The virgin shall conceive and bear a son...'

It is not common that virgins become pregnant and bear children. What is Isaiah talking about? Come to church, and find out! Rev Mike Parker will preside the services. Including Holy Communion, of course!

13 December: Family service Lessons and Carols

Monday 13 December in the Cathedral, 7 pm.

Come all ye faithful, for a joyful worship service of singing your most popular Christmas carols in response to those beautiful Christmas promises and their fulfillment from the Bible.

10 and 12 December: Rev Chris Chorlton on 'Desert Glory'

'Desert Glory?' Those of us living in Egypt will not easily combine the concept of 'desert' with the glory of God! Rev Chris Chorlton (the person on the right in the picture; the one on the left is Chris' personal desert glory...), will show us this weekend how wrong we can be. Come and listen on Friday 10 and Sunday 12 December!

Based on Isaiah 35:1-10 he will show how God's way will be revealed, even in the desert.

Rev Mike Parker, our senior minister, will lead the worship service.

Rev Mike on Knowing the Lord (Isa 11:1-10)

This weekend, Rev Mike Parker preaches on Isaiah 11:1-10. The other readings: Psalm 72:18, 18-19; Romans 15:4-13; Mathew 3:1-12.

"Future Perfect; knowing the Lord" is the title of his sermon. 'Knowing God' sounds pretentious... come and listen and make up your mind!

Rev Chris will lead this worship service of 'advent 2'. Be sure that a second candle will be lighted!

Friday 3 December 10 am
Sunday 5 December 10.30 am

Rev Jos Strengholt shares his ignorance

On 26 and 28 November, Rev Jos Strengholt hopes to preach on Mathew 24:36-44. The theme of the sermon is the Glorious Return of Jesus Christ to our planet to make all things new. When will this be? If you have suggested dates, let us know. We are still in the dark about this, even as we try to walk in the light!

Rev Mike Parker will be back with us from his trip to Edinburgh; he will lead the worship service and Holy Communion as well.

Rev Chris Chorlton on Luke 20:9-19

On 19 and 21 November, Rev Chris Chorlton preaches in the cathedral in Cairo on Luke 20:9-19. His sermon has the : 'Redemption through rejection'. Goodness, what does that mean... You wonder what Rev Chris has to say? Come on Fruday at 10 am, or Sunday on 10.30 am to find out. And afterwards have tea, coffee and cookies.

Rev Matt Anderson will lead the worship service on Friday; Rev Jos Strengholt will do so on Sunday.

Coming weekend: Rev Jos on Luke 15

On 12 and 14 November, Rev Jos, who is doing a curacy in our cathedral, will preach on Luke 15. Jesus was accused of being very bad as he had diners with wicked people like sinners and, o how horrendous, with the taxation officers. You do not want to come close to those people!

How is the parable of the Prodigal Son related to this accusation against Jesus?

Bazaar at Cairo Cathedral was good!

I think all who were at the bazaar last Friday have greatly enjoyed it. Good food, good goodies, good causes, nice people, and it did not rain. Rumour has it that the income (all going straighth to a group of charities was over LE40,000. All people who were involved, thank you so much!

5 and 7 November: Rev Richard Kirton on Parable of the Sower

Rev Richard Kirton will preach in our Cathedral on Luke 8:4-15, the Parable of the Sower.

Rev Richard and his wife are visiting Egypt to meet with with their daughter Charlotte, member of our congregation.

Do come and worship with us. And after the service on Friday, enjoy the bazaar that is held on the premises of the Church!

22 and 24 October: Rev Jos on Jeremiah 36

Have you ever tried burning a Bible?

This weekend, Rev Jos Strengholt preaches on Jeremiah 36 in our English congregations in the cathedral. That chapter in the life of Jeremiah is about the scroll of his 'collected works' that God asks him to produce for the people of God. The people of God (well, were they?) did not listen to the Word of God but instead, they burned the scroll.

Rev Mike Parker: Jeremiah goes to Egypt

This weekend, our Senior Minister Mike Parker preaches on Jeremiah 43. He titled his sermon: 'And so, to Egypt...' Jeremiah was send to Egypt. Could the servant of God sink any deeper? :-) Rembrandt, that great Dutch painter, captured the gloom very well in his painting of 'Jeremiah mourning the fall of Jerusalem'.

If you have missed some of the sermons in the Jeremiah series, this is the moment to not miss it! Rev Mike wraps up the life-story of Jeremiah.

So see you Friday 15 (10.00 AM) or Sunday 17 (10.30 AM) October in the Cathedral!

Bishop Mouneer preaches this weekend

On Friday 8 and Sunday 10 October, Bishop Mouneer preaches in our English congregations. Theme of the sermon is: Investing in the future. This is based on our Jeremiah-series. Text for this weekend is Jeremiah 32:1-15.

On Friday morning, 8 October, Chris Chorlton will be ordained as a deacon. A great occasion for him and Angela and the kids! Chris is the director of the Episcopal Training Center (ETC).

Making the best of it

The Australian Rev Fuzz will preach this weekend (24 and 26 September) in our cathedral; his text is Jeremiah 29:1-7, 24-29. The Gospel reading is Luke 16:19-31. Do come and celebrate with us. We were glad that in the past weekend we could greet some new visitors to our congregations. May we meet with you as well?

The dangers of preaching

This weekend, Rev Mike Parker will preach on 'the dangers of preaching', based on Jeremiah 26. How dare he ;-)

Make we have the joy of greeting you, either on Friday 17 (10.00am) or Sunday 19 (10.30am) September? After church there is tea and coffee.

This weekend in and around our church

If you're going on holiday, this may not affect you too much - enjoy your break! If you're here in Cairo, and planning to come to Church on Friday at 10am, you need to know.... that the clocks will go forward again on Thursday evening. We're happy to run the service twice, but...

All Saints' groups are under way again, with our Bible studies every second week learning from Peter's first letter what it means to live with Real World Faith.

On Monday evening next week, Jos will begin the first of our series Learning from Egypt as he introduces us to the life and times of Clement of Rome. If you want to hear if the church changed the Bible, if it believed in the Trinity from the beginning, and how it was organised to encourage its members and reach out to those around, then this will be for you. We meet at 7.30pm on Monday 13th, in the Chapel of the Saviour - on the first level of the Clergy House, just opposite the Cathedral main gate.

Mike Parker

Rhiannon preaches this weekend

Rhiannon, who joined us for a month as part of her theological training, will be preaching on Jeremiah 18:1-11 on Friday 10 and Sunday 12 September. 'God’s shaping hand' is the theme of this third sermon in our Jeremiah series.

This is the weekend of the 'Aiid. We wish all our Muslim friends a great feast!

What has gone wrong?

Our senior minister, Rev Mike Parker, speaks on Jeremiah 2:1-13, 4:13-22 in the communion services of the weekend of 3 and 5 September. The central question is 'what has gone wrong?' among the people of God. It was great to see many of our regular attenders back in church after the summer holiday, including many of the kids! We hope to see you all this weekend.

This weekend: Rev Jos Strengholt on Jeremiah

In our English congregations in the cathedral, we are beginning with a sermon series on the prophet Jeremiah. On Friday 27 and Sunday 29 August, Rev Jos Strengholt, who is a curate in our cathedral, will preach on Jeremiah 1:1-19. Welcome!

Did you know that Jeremiah has been in Egypt? Rumor has it that he is buried in Coptic Cairo, in the place where the Ben Ezra synagogue (picture) has been built? Ah mystery...

Special weekend with bishop Michael Nazir-Ali

On Friday 13 and Sunday 15 August, we welcome the bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali as the guest preacher in the Cathedral in Zamalek, Cairo. He will speak on Mathew 5:13-20, on how the be salt and light in our society of Egypt. If you are in the neighborhood, this is a great chance to hear this radical bishop speak! And it would not surprise us a bit, if after church, when we have 'tea on the terrace', he will be able to answer any questions you may have. No, the woman he is on the picture with is not his wife.

Our own bishop, Dr Mouneer Hanna, will celebrate Holy Communion, the Rev Mike Parker leads the worship service.

Rev Mike Parker is back home!

Rev Mike Parker, our priest in the cathedral, is back from the UK, and will preach this weekend in the Anglican cathedral in Cairo.

Rev Jos Strengholt, our assistant priest in the cathedral, is back from his holidays in The Netherlands; he will celebrate Holy Eucharist with us.

The texts of this week relate to the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. These are Genesis 15:1-6, Heb 11:1-3, 8-16 and Luke 11:29-36. ‘Signs of the Times’ is the theme of the sermon.

True or False? Nebiyou preaches 30 July and 1 August

The sermon series on the Gospel of Luke continues in our two worship services in the Cathedral. On 30 July and 2 August, our Ethiopian brother Nebiyou (photo) preaches on True or False, based on Ecc 1:2,12-14;2:18-23 and Luke 11:14-28.

Rev Emmanuel from Sudan will lead worship and Holy Communion.

The Rev Mike Parker sends his greetings! He will be back from the United Kingdom to lead our worship service on 6 August.

Learning to Pray

On 23 and 25 July, the Rev Emmanuel, our fine Sudanese priest, will preach in the English worship services in the Cathedral in Zamalek. Rev Bahig (foto), the priest of the Egyptian worship services, will celebrate communion with us.

Texts of the day: Genesis 18:20-32 and Luke 11:1-13. The theme of the sermon is "Learning to Pray".

We warmly welcome you; come and celebate with us!

Nebiyou (Ethiopia) preaches 16 and 18 July

This weekend, 16 and 18 July, Nebiyou (photo) will preach in the English worship services. He speaks on Luke 10:38-42, 'Only one thing is needed'. Rev Emmanuel from Sudan will lead the worship services and celebrate Holy Communion. Come and join us!

Our guest on 9 and 11 July: Rev Dr Bahig

On 9 and 11 July, Rev Dr Bahig (photo) is our guest preacher in the English worship services in the Cathedral. Rev Bahig is the priest of the Egyptian Arabic congregation in the Cathedral. The texts of the weekend are Colossians 1:1-14 and Luke 10:25-37.
Rev Drew will lead Holy Communion.

Rev Drew Schmotzer preaches 2 and 4 July

On 2 and 4 July, our church enjoys the presence of the Rev Drew Schmotzer, the chaplain of our bishop Mouneer. He will preach and lead us in Holy Eucharist. The texts for the day are Isaiah 66:1-10 and Luke 10:1-24. In case the photo confuses you, the smiling gentleman on the left is Rev Drew. The older gentleman is Rev Jos Strengholt who preached in our congregation last weekend.