This week the question has been, "Who's in charge?" Who has final authority in twenty-first century Egypt? Whose word do we trust, and whose way will we follow? As we continue to pray for the nation and all its people, Luke is concerned to keep Introducing Jesus into the situation. This weekend, as we look at the end of chapter 4 of his gospel, we see Jesus as the one with True Authority. 

This Friday, we'll stay together a bit longer to hold our Annual Meeting. It gives chance to look back with thanks for all that the Lord has done in us and through us. And it gives us opportunity to look ahead at some of the challenges. And the opportunities: while this is a tough time for the country, many are asking deeper questions, and we want to be ready to point them in the right direction for the answers.  

Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

The builders are in for the next three months or so, and we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.