This weekend we come to the end of our journey through the first part of Luke's Gospel. It's been great to have Jesus introduced so clearly, and to discover what it means to follow him. We finish by watching him build his team at the beginning of Luke 5, as we realise we're also Called to follow.
Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

Next Wednesday for us is Ash Wednesday. We'll be holding a simple service of readings, meditation and communion with our friends from St Andrew's Isa'af at 7pm on February 13th, in the Chapel of the Saviour at 5 Michel Lutfallah Street in Zamalek.

We had a special offering before Christmas for the Prison Ministry of the Diocese of Egypt. We want to help some prisoners who only need their airfare home for them to be released. This is a big challenge, which we think we can meet with help from FaceBook. Please go to this link and like to build up the profile...

The builders are in for the next three months or so, and we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.