This week our journey continues with a Northern Sudan perspective, as we welcome Bishop Ezekiel of Khartoum to speak on Friday. Rev Chris will speak on Sunday. Exodus 32 brings us into the reality of Our biggest mistake.
Reflecting on this chapter, Eugene Peterson writes: “Moses was gone a long time. The people, impatient to get on with their new life of freedom, decided they wanted to develop their own worship that ‘they could get something out of…’ We know what happened. Their golden calf worship, self-defined and self-serving – refusing to wait, contemptuous of rest, defiant of contemplation – nearly destroyed them. But Moses graciously interceded and started over. He again went up and then came down the mountain. On his return, he put them to work, preparing them for what was to become the central action of their lives – worship.”
Join us for the journey on Friday at 10am (including Friday Club for Primary-age children), and on Sunday at 10.30am.
Reflecting on this chapter, Eugene Peterson writes: “Moses was gone a long time. The people, impatient to get on with their new life of freedom, decided they wanted to develop their own worship that ‘they could get something out of…’ We know what happened. Their golden calf worship, self-defined and self-serving – refusing to wait, contemptuous of rest, defiant of contemplation – nearly destroyed them. But Moses graciously interceded and started over. He again went up and then came down the mountain. On his return, he put them to work, preparing them for what was to become the central action of their lives – worship.”
Join us for the journey on Friday at 10am (including Friday Club for Primary-age children), and on Sunday at 10.30am.