Holy Week takes us, day by day, on the journey Jesus made. From entering Jerusalem to the Cross, the Cross to the tomb, the tomb to the daylight on Easter Sunday.
We're reading the story as John tells it, each day a chapter - Saturday was chapter 12, Sunday chapter 13, Monday chapter 14, Tuesday chapter 15, Wednesday chapter 16, Maundy Thursday chapter 17, Good Friday chapter 18, Saturday chapter 19, Easter Sunday chapter 20, and Monday chapter 21.
We listen in as John records for us Jesus' last words - words that set the shape of the Church.
Join us on Maundy Thursday evening, 5.30-6.30pm, for a quiet meditative communion around the cross. On Good Friday, we celebrate at 10am, and then take an extra hour or so as Revds Tom & Beth lead us. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate with Bishop Mouneer at 10.30am.
Then we watch as our Egyptian friends make the journey next week, and we join with them and all the Sudanese congregations on Saturday 14th at 7pm.
You will be most welcome, as we reflect on the greatest story ever.