Advent. Time to reflect and prepare, while all else is going on around us. 

We're following Luke as he tells the Christmas story. The way he tells it, a lot of people end up singing as they find themselves responding to God's promises and caught up with Christ's arrival. 

This week, Zechariah gets to sing - a song that builds on Elizabeth and Mary's songs; a song that captures God's desire for us, as he breaks in to share our world. He wants us to know freedom from fear and to experience forgiveness. We don't need to be afraid of God, and we may know we are forgiven if we trust in Christ. Join us at 10am on Friday and 10.30am on Sunday to hear more.

And join us at 7pm on Friday to hear the whole of the Christmas story told in readings and carols, as we celebrate with our traditional Nine Lessons & Carols. 

Coming up...

 Christingle – the story for young families: Friday 21st, 6pm
  Christmas Eve united celebration in Arabic & English with Bishop Mouneer, 10.30pm
  Christmas Day family service with Bishop Mouneer, 10.30am