We're celebrating Christmas in Africa's largest city. We've been enjoying Luke's story of Songs for Christmas - and joining in with Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, the Angels and the Shepherds as they sing for joy at God stepping in to their world. And ours too, with all its uncertainties and confusions.

Bishop Mouneer will explore the meaning of Christmas on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. At the weekend, the oldies get their chance - as we hear the songs of Simeon and Anna in the Temple.

Join us as we celebrate with Bishop Mouneer 
on Christmas Eve at 10.30pm 
and Christmas morning at 10.30am.

And join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am, 
as we continue to celebrate. 

We're celebrating Christmas in Africa's largest city. As we come to the end of Advent, we've been hearing Luke's story of Songs for Christmas - and joining in with Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah as they sing for joy at God stepping in to their world. And ours too, as we reflect this weekend on some of the great Christmas readings.

Those readings are here below for you. Join us as we see how these promises impact our world, uncertain still, dominated by constitutions and referendums and governments. Yet the place where God has made himself known in Jesus and come alongside us.

Join us as we celebrate this weekend on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am.

Join us for the Christingle service at 6pm on Friday - 
the story told specially for young families. 

Join us as we celebrate with Bishop Mouneer on Christmas Eve at 10.30pm 
and Christmas morning at 10.30am.

Isaiah 9:2–7
Christ’s birth and kingdom are foretold by Isaiah.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divide the spoil.
For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, you have broken as on the day of Midian. For every boot of the tramping warrior in battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. 

Matthew 1:18–23 
Matthew shows how the birth of Jesus fulfils prophecy.
Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" – which means, “God with us.”

Luke 2:1-7
Luke describes Jesus’ birth and welcome
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.  He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
Advent. Time to reflect and prepare, while all else is going on around us. 

We're following Luke as he tells the Christmas story. The way he tells it, a lot of people end up singing as they find themselves responding to God's promises and caught up with Christ's arrival. 

This week, Zechariah gets to sing - a song that builds on Elizabeth and Mary's songs; a song that captures God's desire for us, as he breaks in to share our world. He wants us to know freedom from fear and to experience forgiveness. We don't need to be afraid of God, and we may know we are forgiven if we trust in Christ. Join us at 10am on Friday and 10.30am on Sunday to hear more.

And join us at 7pm on Friday to hear the whole of the Christmas story told in readings and carols, as we celebrate with our traditional Nine Lessons & Carols. 

Coming up...

 Christingle – the story for young families: Friday 21st, 6pm
  Christmas Eve united celebration in Arabic & English with Bishop Mouneer, 10.30pm
  Christmas Day family service with Bishop Mouneer, 10.30am
Advent. Time to reflect and prepare, while all else is going on around us. 

We're following Luke's version of the story. The way he tells it, a lot of people end up singing as they find themselves responding to God's promises and caught up with Christ's arrival. This week we come to Mary, surprised at her pregnancy and delighted to make herself available for God's purposes. Join us at 10am on Friday and 10.30am on Sunday.

On Wednesday & Thursday, we offer the wonderful Handel Evenings by the Cairo Choral Society and the Cairo Festival Orchestra. Concerts begin at 8pm, and there will be a retiring offering for the work of the Choral Society and the Cathedral.

Christmas at All Saints'

  Nine Lessons & Carols  - Friday 14th, 7pm  
  Christingle – the story for young families: Friday 21st, 6pm
  Christmas Eve united celebration, 10.30pm
  Christmas Day family service, 10.30am

Advent. Time to pause, reflect, prepare. Because God is on the move, and nothing will be the same again. A good opportunity to take time out in tense and uncertain times.

We'll be following Luke's version of the story. The way he tells it, a lot of people end up singing as they find themselves responding to God's promises and caught up with Christ's arrival. This week we start with Elizabeth, waiting for the birth of her son, and singing quietly to herself... "The Lord has done this for me. In these days, he has shown his favour."

On Saturday, we take a little extra time to sing Advent Carols - the quieter ones we don't sing at Christmas. Join us at 5pm, as well as 10am on Friday and 10.30am on Sunday.

This week...

We welcome Cairo Choral Society and Cairo Festival Orchestra for two Handel Evenings. This will be an oasis of beautiful music and thoughtful Psalms (96, 42 & 68). The concerts on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th at 8pm are free, and there will be a retiring offering for the Choir and the Cathedral. 

Christmas at All Saints'
  Nine Lessons & Carols Friday 14th, 7pm  
  Christingle – the story for young families: Friday 21st, 6pm
  Christmas Eve united celebration, 10.30pm
  Christmas Day family service, 10.30am
... to all who came to the grand All Saints' Bazaar last week. With the help of a special extra gift, we raised more than last year, and local charities will benefit over the next few months. Thank you specially to the group who worked so hard to set it all up, to the stallholders, and to all our volunteers and workers who did so much to ensure a good day was had by all.

This week has been a sad and challenging one, with such loss of young life in the train crash, continued unrest and protest downtown, and fighting in Gaza. We give thanks for a cease-fire, and Egypt's part in bringing this about.

With all that going on, we complete our series from Hebrews by hearing highlights from chapters 12 & 13 and working out what The Godly Life looks like. Please join us on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am to find out more.

Next week we begin our preparations for Christmas,
You'll be most welcome at any or all of these events in December:

Advent Carols Saturday 1st at 5pm (in the Chapel of the Saviour)

A Handel evening with Cairo Choral Society & the Cairo Festival Orchestra
8pm Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th

Nine Lessons & Carols Friday 14th at 7pm

Christingle – the story for young families: Friday 21st at 6pm

Christmas Eve united celebration at 10.30pm

Christmas Day family service at 10.30am

this weekend is a significant one in the life of Egypt's Christian community, as our Coptic friends welcome their new leader, Papa Towadros II, who will be enthroned on Sunday. May he know the Lord's wisdom and strength as he leads both his church and the community.

Meanwhile, we continue to celebrate the message of Hebrews. Chapter 11 invites us to be Living by Faith, and takes us through an astonishing community of people who did just that. Some of them flourished, some of them suffered; all are united in faith, and eagerly awaiting their reward. Join us as we join them.

We meet on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am. And don't forget our special day on Friday, the grand All Saints' Annual Bazaar, where you can buy all kinds of things in the sure knowledge that all profits from the day will be going to Egyptian charities.

Coming up...

All Saints' famous Bazaar
Friday November 16th from 11.30am to 3.30pm.
All proceeds go to Egyptian charities. 

Cairo Choral Society perform Handel

on Wednesday & Thursday 
December 5th & 6th at 8pm.
A retiring offering goes to the Cathedral's 
charitable work and CCS.
A great way to begin preparing for Christmas.
This week, we take time to celebrate - it's All Saints' weekend. Bishop Mouneer will be back from his travels to share with us on both  Friday and Sunday. 

All Saints' is our name, and, if you like, our nature. This annual weekend reminds us we're part of something much bigger than ourselves. Not just the multinational English-speaking congregations as part of the Cathedral, with Arabic, Sudanese, Burmese etc. Not just us as part of a network called a Diocese. Nor only part of the great historic and faithful Christian community in Egypt.

All of us part of God's special people, rescued by Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, being built into a new community. 

And united in time and space with all God's people, in every nation, at every time, those who've gone before and those who are to come. 

Worth celebrating, we hope you'll agree. 
join us on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am.

Coming up...

All Saints' famous Bazaar
here on Friday November 16th from 11.30am to 3.30pm.
All proceeds go to Egyptian charities. 

Cairo Choral Society perform Handel

on Wednesday & Thursday 
December 5th & 6th at 8pm.
A retiring offering goes to the Cathedral's 
charitable work and CCS.
A great way to begin preparing for Christmas.

Happy Eid! May you find space and refreshment, time out during the feast. And opportunities to compare notes on the story behind it...

Hebrews continues to tell the Full Story. This week, we take stock: where have we got to? Hebrews 5 & 6 guide us, with the focus on Christ's life and work and on our response and responsibility. 

Join us if you can, on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am. 

Hebrews 3 & 4 are a meditation and an application of Psalm 95 - God has rest for us, and longs that we find it. This week, Rev Chris is our guide this week, as we celebrate Peace at Last because of all that God has done through Christ for those who trust in him.

You'll be most welcome. Remember, most Cairo demonstrations get under way later in the day, and Zamalek is usually a quiet and easily-accessible place on Fridays. We have plenty of time for coffee & tea on the terrace, and many go to enjoy lunch after the service.

We can also introduce you to a range of Bible study groups which meet around the city during the week. Join us on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am.

This week we jump to Hebrews 4, where we meet The Word, living & active. And we welcome the remarkable Fuzz Kitto as our speaker. Fuzz travels the world collecting stories, creating stories and spreading rumours of hope. His special contribution in Egypt is with ministry with younger people - and his gift of worldwide perspective, as he brings insights into the trends and the winds that are blowing and especially what God is doing. 

Fuzz is speaking on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am. He's also taking extra time with us on Friday from 1-3pm, as he shows us what it means to be Creating the Future.

Join us if you can. 

James's letter has been our focus these last five weeks - written to known Christians around the world. Hebrews follows, another global letter. If James focussed on putting faith into action, Hebrews focusses on making sure our faith has the right foundation.

In Egypt, as one famous Pastor says, "Everyone believes in God." The he smiles, and adds, "The question is, what is God like?"

Indeed. Hebrews offers us The Full Story about God who has revealed himself in Christ, about Christ who has fulfilled the law and the prophets and made the ultimate sacrifice so we are free to come into God's presence here and now. While there's a lot we don't know, especially as we wait to see what shape Egypt will take, we know this: those who trust in Christ are forgiven, and we are welcome in God's presence together.

Join us on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am as we start the journey, 
celebrating that God has spoken.
We finished up James 3 by enjoying the promised wisdom of God - pure, peaceable, unlike anything we can get on earth, "wisdom from above." 

But it seems life is still not straightforward, as James 4 reveals. We still have to learn to be Living together

This Friday and Sunday, Rev Jeremiah will be taking us through James 4, as we reflect on our realities - especially in Church life - and as we hear the Lord's purpose and remedy for us.

Join us if you can - 10am Friday, 10.30am Sunday.

James's letter is to Christians all over the known world, and speaks to all of us wherever we are. With all his strong language and memorable images, he's been challenging us to make sure we don't just say we believe but show it by what we do in Christ's name. Christians are called to treat all people equally, and to put our faith to work for the benefit of all.

This week chapter 3 takes us on a scary journey "inside", as he talks about how we learn to discipline ourselves. Rev Chris is our speaker. 

Join us if you can on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am.

We continue hearing from James's letter, with all his strong language and memorable images. Last week we heard how he Bible is like a mirror, reflecting God's character and priorities into our lives and through us into his world.

This week, chapter 2 gets us thinking about how we go about Honouring people, and reflecting the Lord's desire that everyone finds a welcome in church.

Join us if you can on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am.

September brings a new start for many of us. New arrivals in Egypt, new tasks to tackle, old routines start up again, life back in gear. Over the summer we discovered just how Jesus satisfies our every need. Now it's time to put our faith into action as we return to study, work, travel and all.

James' letter will guide us through September. Join us on Fridays at 10am & Sundays at 10.30am, and listen out as Bible study groups start up in various homes around the city.

Sunday  is special as we Bishop Mouneer leads us and welcomes his new colleague, Grant LeMarquand, the new Assistant Area Bishop for the Horn of Africa. Grant & Wendy are here on their way through to their new ministry based in Ethiopia and their new home in Gambella. Bishop Grant will be our speaker on Sunday at 10.30am. 

Jesus, the bread of life

Through July and August, while so many are praying and longing for God, we see what John's Gospel has to say about where to find satisfaction. Jesus, we discover, makes an astonishing claim:

In other words, he claims to be God himself, the One who alone can satisfy all our longings and the One who changes all our perspectives.
Join us if you can on Fridays at 10am and Sundays at 10.30am.

This weekend we take our last step on our journey through 1 & 2 Samuel, Learning to lead. The final instalment for the moment has us Seeking Security. It's on all our hearts in Egypt, as we wonder how the new regime will settle down and who is really in control. 
David is finally settled in his new city, pulling together the whole nation and looking to the future. While he lives well, God's presence remains in a tent - isn't it time to fix this?
God says, "No. Let it be - I have other plans." Plans for you, plans for your people, plans for succession, plans for the future. A future that will eventually bring us to Jesus Christ. Only in him can we find the security we so deeply long for at every level.
Join us if you can on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am. 

As the story of new Egypt continues, so the story of God's people Learning to lead unfolds. David has made his new start in Jerusalem, and now he wants to establish his new regime - with God at the centre. But at first he reckons without the reality of God's character.

2 Samuel 6 shows us both sides of God's character - his holiness and his presence with his people. As then, so now: we meet to encourage each other, and we celebrate that he is with us in Christ and recognise that he is the holy God who is to be respected above all.

Join us as we continue the journey on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am.

As the heat of the summer sets in, the unfolding story continues in Egypt - and at the weekend at All Saints'. We continue our exploration of the history books of Samuel. This week, we move to 2 Samuel chapter 5, where we see David make his mark on the nation. 

God calls him to Shepherd my people - which means, lead them. And he leads them with a commitment, and by an inspired new start. Join us if you can on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am to learn more.

We're delighted to have a Singapore focus this weekend, with a number of friends from our partner Diocese there. Archbishop John Chew is our speaker on Friday, as we see in 1 Samuel 17 A defining moment in the battle between David and Goliath and the victory for God's honour. Archdeacon Tek Meng will lead us as we celebrate communion. 

At 6pm on Saturday, there's a special celebration here as the Alexandria School of Theology (AST) have their Graduation service. Archbishop John is again the speaker, and you'd be most welcome. 

Waiting, wondering, for many, worrying. Who will lead Egypt now, and what will they do? Or be able to do? No-one knows yet. As leadership is on everyone's minds, we're praying with all the Churches for the future of the nation. 

On Fridays & Sundays, our Bible teaching takes us into the Old Testament's wisdom on godly and clear leadership. This week, we continue Learning to Lead: Seeking God's Choice is from 1 Samuel 16. Samuel, who started so well, has coming to the end of the line: now his last piece of work is to anoint David, the "man after God's own heart." 

God is still leading his people, whoever they choose and whatever their world throws at them. Join us on Friday at 10 and Sunday at 10.30am to find out more.

Leadership is on everyone's minds, especially this week in Egypt. With all the Churches, we're praying fervently for the future of the nation. And for its new leader.

On Fridays & Sundays, our Bible teaching takes us into the Old Testament's wisdom on godly and clear leadership. Learning to Lead: Prophet or King? is this week's question, from 1 Samuel 8 & 11. Samuel, who started so well, is coming to the end of the line: who will take on from him, and on what basis? The good news is, God is still the leader of his people, whoever they choose. 

Join us Friday at 10 and Sunday at 10.30am to find out more.

On Tuesday evening this week, at 7pm, you are invited to a service of thanksgiving for the reign and service of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second. A very special occasion after a very special weekend for Britain and the Commonwealth. 

Celebrating the Trinity - wonder

Wonder is our theme this weekend as we celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit united in the purpose of drawing people to God. John 3 is the story of the scholar Nicodemus, who didn't really understand what the was teaching; Romans 8 is assurance for all who trust in Christ; and Isaiah 6 is the tough call to speak to people who were not interested.
Isaiah's story takes place at a time very like ours, with a long-standing regime gone and real questions about the future. Join us if you can as we see how God is at work.
On Tuesday 5th at 7pm, we're looking forward to welcoming Commonwealth friends to a short celebration as we give thanks to God for the reign and service of Queen Elizabeth the Second. You will also be most welcome.

Welcoming a new era

Our hosts are voting for a new President this week - the first free vote for 5000 years. A massive event, with consequences that will affect not only our life in Egypt but the region and indeed the whole world. We're praying for a free and fair process, a clear result, and for a peaceful and constructive response to it.
Bishop Mouneer joins us on Friday as we celebrate an even greater event, the gift of God's Holy Spirit to his people. The visual effects were stunning, a sound and light show to end them all. And the explanation reveals that the Holy Spirit  guarantees the teaching of the Apostles and equips Christian people in every time and place to be faithful and steady witnesses to Christ.
Join us if you can on Friday at 10am, and on Sunday at 10.30am.

Celebrating Jesus' Ascension

It seems strange to celebrate the time when the risen Jesus left his friends. But it means he's finished his work of dying on the cross so we can know God for ourselves. And he moves from being in just one place at one time to being everywhere at every time. 

And guess what? He continues his work through his people. We are his witnesses. As we get to know more about him and what he has done for us, and as we are willing to share it and point others to him, our faith grows too. This is our first of three keys to faith.

Join us if you can on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am.

Breaking new ground

Living the Resurrection is our theme these weeks of celebration after Easter.

This week, Rev Jeremiah takes us the next step of the journey through the early chapters of Acts. Speaking from Acts 5:17-42, Jeremiah will be exploring what it means for us to be Released to worship the Lord and serve our communities.

Join us if you can on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am. You will be most welcome.

Living the resurrection

The great thing about Easter is we get to keep celebrating for some time to come!

This weekend, we start to think what it means to be Living the Resurrection. Acts 2-5 will be our base, as we see the marks of the new community centred around the risen Christ. We'll see how he transforms life at a number of levels. This weekend, we're thinking what it means to be devoted - and what we're giving our best efforts to.

On Saturday night at 9pm, we meet with Bishop Mouneer and all the Cathedral congregations as we rejoice on the Saturday of Light. Clergy and congregations from many of our churches will be with us.

Next Tuesday at 8pm, we welcome the Cairo Choral Society and their Czech guests the Prague Mixed Choir to sing a mixed program of Mozart, Haydn, Czech folk songs - even some Byzantine Chant. You will be most welcome on this special evening.

On to the Cross

Holy Week takes us, day by day, on the journey Jesus made. From entering Jerusalem to the Cross, the Cross to the tomb, the tomb to the daylight on Easter Sunday.

We're reading the story as John tells it, each day a chapter - Saturday was chapter 12, Sunday chapter 13, Monday chapter 14, Tuesday chapter 15, Wednesday chapter 16, Maundy Thursday chapter 17, Good Friday chapter 18, Saturday chapter 19, Easter Sunday chapter 20, and Monday chapter 21.

We listen in as John records for us Jesus' last words - words that set the shape of the Church.

Join us on Maundy Thursday evening, 5.30-6.30pm, for a quiet meditative communion around the cross. On Good Friday, we celebrate at 10am, and then take an extra hour or so as Revds Tom & Beth lead us. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate with Bishop Mouneer at 10.30am.

Then we watch as our Egyptian friends make the journey next week, and we join with them and all the Sudanese congregations on Saturday 14th at 7pm.

You will be most welcome, as we reflect on the greatest story ever.

On to the Cross

In these weeks leading up to and beyond Easter, John is our guide as we follow his Gospel and hear how he tells the story of Jesus' passion and death. What Jesus did changes everything for us. Because "it is finished" we have only to receive and respond.

This Friday at 10am, Bishop Mouneer will be ordaining Rev Chris Chorlton, and Chris's Dad will be preaching as we celebrate. This weekend is the one when we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, and the crowds who paved his way with palm branches. On Friday and Sunday, John 12:12-16 shows how Your King is coming.

And then we follow Jesus, all the way to the cross.

Each day, we'll meet to pray at 9am. On Thursday, from 5.30-6.30pm, we'll meet around the cross to hear The time has come.

Join us if you can and share the most significant journey of all time.
This Tuesday, March 20th, at 11am, we'll be meeting in All Saints' Cathedral, Zamalek, to pray as Pope Shenouda's funeral takes place.

We'll try to show the funeral - if it doesn't work, we'll simply join in the praying of the Lord's people all over the country.

Join us if you can. Wherever you are, give thanks for the long life and effective ministry of this most remarkable man. And pray for the choice of his successor at such a critical time.