Happy Christmas

On Friday we celebrated with the children as they acted out the Christmas Story for us.

The full video can be found here

All Age Service

On Friday we had our first All Age Service.  Children let us in the Bible readings, Prayers and Songs.  Children from the Deaf school taught us a song in Sign Language.

Provincial Synod

One of the joys of worshipping in the Cathedral is that we get to host many international guests from around the Anglican Communion.
This Friday we welcomed Bishop Suheil of Jerusalem and Bishop Michael Lewis of Cyprus and the Gulf along with our own Bishop Mouneer as President Bishop.

Peter Nott was also Licensed as a Lay Reader.

Welcome to the Belsers

We are so thankful to be blessed by the arrival of Rev Rick and Anne Belser.   Rick will serve as an interim priest for our English speaking congregations while we search for a full time minister.

The Cathedral renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here.

Our main celebrations will be in the first weekend of November, 1st to 3rd, as we take All Saints' weekend to rejoice at the Lord's faithfulness over these years and as we recommit ourselves
to trust in him and serve people in the future. 
Dale Ralph-Davis's masterful summary of 1 Kings is our guide during these weeks. 

We're seeing a society in decline, and how The Wisdom & the Folly play out as God's word breaks in to our world. 

The last three chapters show us what God is like, what his justice is like, and how we tell true from false. Each has a lot to say to us in contemporary Egypt.

Join us on Friday at 10am 
or Sunday at 10.30am.

The Cathedral renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here.

Our main celebrations will be in the first weekend of November, 1st to 3rd, as we take All Saints' weekend to rejoice at the Lord's faithfulness over these years and as we recommit ourselves
to trust in him and serve people in the future. 

Thursday evening (6.30pm) sees a celebration and re-commissioning service at the end of a great Synod week. We've been challenged and encouraged to get closer to God and to find ways to tell the Gospel story in each of our countries. Thursday has a special extra for the English-speaking congregations...

Over the last few weeks we've been watching Acts to see how the Gospel moves out. As we end the series this week, we we see how Pressure & Growth go together in Acts 12. It turns out even the State cannot squash the new life of the Christian communities. "The word of God continued to spread and flourish." 
Join us on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am

We're back in the Cathedral while work continues around us. It's a good picture of the Christian life - we are God's work-in-progress! The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here.

Our main celebrations will be in the first weekend of November, 1st to 3rd, as we take All Saints' weekend to rejoice at the Lord's faithfulness over these years and as we recommit ourselves 
to trust in him and serve people in the future. 

As Eastern Christians continue to rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus, we continue to see how the Gospel moves out. This week we complete Acts 11, as we see a new church developing in Antioch. It's a powerful story of how ordinary people, travelling and going about their ordinary work, witness both to people from religious and international backgrounds - just as we do. It's also a poignant story, as we watch Syria being torn apart by civil war and many Syrians arrive here in Egypt seeking shelter and safety until they can return. 

Join us on Friday at 10am or Sunday at 10.30am to discover How the Gospel spreads. 

Next week, we'll be welcomlng colleagues and church leaders from all over the region for our Diocesan Synod. We meet like this every two years, to review what's happening in our various countries and to encourage one another as we respond to the opportunities change is bringing.

We're back in the Cathedral while work continues around us. It's a good picture of the Christian life - we are God's work-in-progress! The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. 

Our main celebrations will be in the first weekend of November, 1st to 3rd, as we take All Saints' weekend to rejoice at the Lord's faithfulness over these years and as we recommit ourselves 
to trust in him and serve people in his name in the future.

Eastern Easter is approaching, and we look forward to celebrating together the wonderful message - Christ's death on the Cross which brings our forgiveness, and his resurrection which assures us death is defeated. 

All our Cathedral congregations will be celebrating this Saturday evening at 7pm in the newly-refurbished All Saints'. We're looking forward to seeing what's changed, and to hearing Bishop Mouneer's message as we rejoice together. Join us if you can.
 We meet on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am as Rev Jeremiah leads us. He has considerable experience of working cross-culturally, and of seeing how the Gospel challenges our cultures and traditions. This weekend, we're considering how the Gospel Widens our horizons. 

The Cathedral renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

While our Coptic friends fast and prepare through the weeks of Lent, we continue to celebrate Easter. As Bishop Mouneer asked us, "What does the resurrection mean for us in our world?" How does this good news spread and impact our world?

He's also pushing us. It's one thing to renew a building; it's another to be renewed people, sharing the Lord's perspectives and living them out wherever we find ourselves.

These are our themes for April and May, as we see how The Gospel Moves Out. This week we're following Philip, as he enjoys an Ethiopian encounter - with the Finance Minister, no less. We are learning to understand the lengths to which God has gone through Christ to reach the whole world. Every nation, at every time, in every place. Which is where we come in.

Join us for the journey, 
on Fridays at 10am and Sundays at 10.30am.

The builders are refurbishing both the Cathedra and the Diocesan Hall, so we'll be meeting in the Upper Hall. Turn right as you come into the compound, and we'll guide you. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  
Lent: the season of reflection, review and preparation gives way for us this week to the season of celebration and joy. For what Jesus achieved on the cross no-one else could do: as the old hymn has it, "There was no other good enough." Indeed. And we will celebrate this weekend as Bishop Mouneer leads our praise, our learning and our response.
Join us on Thursday evening at 7pm, among the symbols of Jesus' last night (Maundy Thursday meditation and communion). Then on Good Friday (which our friends call Long Friday - and others call Great Friday), we meet at 10am. 

And on Easter Sunday we rejoice together at 10.30am.  
Celebrate with us, and bring your friends.

The builders are in to refurbish the Cathedral, so we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

Lent: the season of reflection, review, preparation. And an opportunity for us to dig deeper into the Old Testament to discover Easter Roots. As we do, we discover we are people of God's promise.

We began with Genesis; now we're following through Isaiah. From chapter 40-66, the Lord reveals his character. His promise is to rescue people and build a new community to impact and transform the whole world. As he shares his heart and priorities with us, we realise he is not only the giver of the promise; he is also the guard and guarantor of it.

This week we discover how different is his perspective from ours. Isaiah 55: Listen, to Live.

Join us on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am.

The builders are in to refurbish the Cathedral, so we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

Lent: the season of reflection, review, preparation. And an opportunity for us to dig deeper into the Old Testament to discover Easter Roots. 

This week we begin the journey with Abraham on the move. God's promise to him is amazing, and he - like us - is called to trust the Lord and go where He calls. 

But as we'll see, there are some surprises on the way. Genesis 12 - A great name.

Join us on Friday at 10am and Sunday at 10.30am.

The builders are in to refurbish the Cathedral, so we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

This weekend we come to the end of our journey through the first part of Luke's Gospel. It's been great to have Jesus introduced so clearly, and to discover what it means to follow him. We finish by watching him build his team at the beginning of Luke 5, as we realise we're also Called to follow.
Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

Next Wednesday for us is Ash Wednesday. We'll be holding a simple service of readings, meditation and communion with our friends from St Andrew's Isa'af at 7pm on February 13th, in the Chapel of the Saviour at 5 Michel Lutfallah Street in Zamalek.

We had a special offering before Christmas for the Prison Ministry of the Diocese of Egypt. We want to help some prisoners who only need their airfare home for them to be released. This is a big challenge, which we think we can meet with help from FaceBook. Please go to this link and like to build up the profile... 

The builders are in for the next three months or so, and we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

This week the question has been, "Who's in charge?" Who has final authority in twenty-first century Egypt? Whose word do we trust, and whose way will we follow? As we continue to pray for the nation and all its people, Luke is concerned to keep Introducing Jesus into the situation. This weekend, as we look at the end of chapter 4 of his gospel, we see Jesus as the one with True Authority. 

This Friday, we'll stay together a bit longer to hold our Annual Meeting. It gives chance to look back with thanks for all that the Lord has done in us and through us. And it gives us opportunity to look ahead at some of the challenges. And the opportunities: while this is a tough time for the country, many are asking deeper questions, and we want to be ready to point them in the right direction for the answers.  

Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

The builders are in for the next three months or so, and we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.  

The builders are in for the next three months or so. It's part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. 

So that makes us "work in progress." A pretty good image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning and growing. As the T-shirt has it, "Be patient: God hasn't finished with me yet."

As we follow Luke's gospel, Introducing Jesus, we'll hear this week Jesus' priorities, fulfilling the vision of Isaiah 61. Except something he says (or doesn't) moves his listeners from wonder to wrath...  It's A Manifesto rejected..."

Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

This is our first week meeting in the Diocesan Hall. We cleared the Cathedral and handed it over to the builders on Monday morning, and they'll be working on it over the next three months or so. It's part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. 
As we follow Luke's gospel, he is Introducing Jesus, showing exactly how he's both God and man at once. and how he's uniquely qualified to save the nations. This week we're in for a surprise. Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit - and driven by him straight into conflict with the Devil. Join us as we learn about the normal Christian life, and the power of God's word in our lives.

When you come to All Saints', remember to turn right for the Hall!

Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am

We're enjoying celebrating Christmas again, with our Coptic friends in Africa's largest city. And watching and praying to see how this year will unfold.

As we move from the arrival of the baby Jesus, we enter a long period of silence while he grows and develops. Only one event, when Jesus stays on to quizz the theologians in the temple courts of Jerusalem, is recorded for us. Followed by another twenty years of silence as Jesus grows, develops, learns a trade, runs a business, and takes his place in family and community. There's an encouragement for those of us who have to work for a living - God is with us, especially at work!

And then comes John the Baptist, to prepare the way. Luke is Introducing Jesus, showing us exactly how he's both God and a man at once. and how he's uniquely qualified to save the nations.

Join us on Friday at 10am & Sunday at 10.30am