Lent: the season of reflection, review and preparation gives way for us this week to the season of celebration and joy. For what Jesus achieved on the cross no-one else could do: as the old hymn has it, "There was no other good enough." Indeed. And we will celebrate this weekend as Bishop Mouneer leads our praise, our learning and our response.
Join us on Thursday evening at 7pm, among the symbols of Jesus' last night (Maundy Thursday meditation and communion). Then on Good Friday (which our friends call Long Friday - and others call Great Friday), we meet at 10am. 

And on Easter Sunday we rejoice together at 10.30am.  
Celebrate with us, and bring your friends.

The builders are in to refurbish the Cathedral, so we're meeting in the Diocesan Hall instead of the Cathedral itself. Turn right as you come into the compound. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.