While our Coptic friends fast and prepare through the weeks of Lent, we continue to celebrate Easter. As Bishop Mouneer asked us, "What does the resurrection mean for us in our world?" How does this good news spread and impact our world?

He's also pushing us. It's one thing to renew a building; it's another to be renewed people, sharing the Lord's perspectives and living them out wherever we find ourselves.

These are our themes for April and May, as we see how The Gospel Moves Out. This week we're following Philip, as he enjoys an Ethiopian encounter - with the Finance Minister, no less. We are learning to understand the lengths to which God has gone through Christ to reach the whole world. Every nation, at every time, in every place. Which is where we come in.

Join us for the journey, 
on Fridays at 10am and Sundays at 10.30am.

The builders are refurbishing both the Cathedra and the Diocesan Hall, so we'll be meeting in the Upper Hall. Turn right as you come into the compound, and we'll guide you. 
The renewal project is part of our anniversary celebrations - 25 years as All Saints' Cathedral in Zamalek, 75 as All Saints' Cathedral in Cairo, and 135 years as All Saints' church in the city. That's a lot of life and witness to give thanks for, a lot of faithful people from Egypt and many other nations who have served and worked here. And it makes us "work in progress" - a pretty good business image for followers of Jesus, who are always learning about their Lord and growing in their faith.